If you like sports and nature, you want to spend three different days learning new skills and you wish to meet people from all over the world, sign up for our Volunteer Programme! It will be a memorable experience.
It doesn’t matter if you do not have a specific area of expertise, and you just want to help us in whatever is needed, all hands are welcome! There will be many activities for those who want to participate. Here we list some of them, for inspiration.
To live this adventure, you just have to fill out the form and tell us what your skills and interests are.
You only need to be 18 years old (or more), to be willing to have a good time and ready to help us organize an extraordinary experience.
In Ushuaia by UTMB® we know that your help is essential in order for this competition to come true and we will do everything in our hands to give you an incredible experience.
We believe that you will enjoy participating in the event from within, in this extraordinary place that is the End of the World. We already appreciate your great collaboration and welcome you to this adventure!